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July 2023 Archive for MoneyDig

By: AgFed Credit Union

Welcome to AgFed Credit Union's MoneyDig blog! 

Get confident about your personal finances with a number of articles, tips, advice and more.


What Is a Credit Utilization Ratio and What Does it Matter?

 Jul 27, 2023
While many factors go into determining your credit score, a quick and simple way to gauge your creditworthiness is through your credit utilization ratio. Lenders use this figure to measure how much risk is involved when lending you money – ultimately, it plays a role in how much you’ll pay to borrow those funds.

5 Amazon Scams You Need to Know About

 Jul 24, 2023
As Amazon has gotten more and more popular, it’s attracted more and more scammers. Most are using versions of old scams, and we’ve got tips to help you avoid them!

What Are Some Red Flags to Know About When House-Hunting?

 Jul 20, 2023
Are you looking for a house? You know all the things on your dream home list, but we’ve got the list of the things that could turn the purchase into a nightmare.

Unsubscribe & Save - Breaking Up With Your Subscriptions

 Jul 18, 2023
We all have them. We know they cost a small fortune. Yet, instead of canceling subscriptions, we find ourselves subscribing to even more. The following guide will shed light on the financial toll these monthly fees take on your budget – and walk you through how to regain your hard-earned money.

Is It Ever the Right Time to Start a Family?

 Jul 14, 2023
Are you thinking of starting a family? Babies come with some pretty big expenses, so it’s best to make sure you’re prepared ahead of time. We can help!

How is Your Credit Card Limit Determined and Can it Change?

 Jul 11, 2023
Credit cards are one of the most popular forms of payment today. While you’re probably familiar with how credit cards work, many aspects often baffle people. For example, how do financial institutions determine what limit to set on your credit card? Why does your limit sometimes increase automatically? Can it go down?

What Happens When a Mortgage Lender Checks My Credit Score?

 Jul 06, 2023
If you need a mortgage but you’re worried about the negative effect on your credit from a credit check, remember the 45-day rule. Learn about that and more in our guide!

Affordable Sustainability- Grow Your Own Greens

 Jul 03, 2023
You don’t need a big plot of land or even a yard to start gardening and growing your own salad greens. We’ve got a quick and easy guide to get you going!