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Important Information about the HeartBleed bug: AgFed’s internal, online and mobile banking are not affected by the HeartBleed bug.

BBBy now, many of you have heard about the HeartBleed vulnerability that affect computer systems that use OpenSSL for secure web connections. HeartBleed bug only affect systems that use OpenSSL version 1.0.1 through 1.0.1f. AgFed's online banking website is not affected by this bug since it doesn’t use OpenSSL at all. Please be reassured that your financial information is safe and you can continue to access it without fear of compromise.

Even though AgFed’s system does not operate on Open SSL technology, which is susceptible to the HeartBleed bug, additional scans were performed as a further precaution and confirmed to not be vulnerable to this issue. If you have any questions, please contact us at (800)368-3552 or by emailing